Review chapter 1
1. because we need to understand the basic concept and sometimes, we can apply other languange trict to solve a problem in a higher level language
2. because the knowledge of programming languange can made us to express new ideas and also made learning other language easier
3. Fortran the name is a blend derived from The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System
4. COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language)
5. LISP ( "LISt Processing") and Prolog (a general purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics )
6. UNIX, right now mostly written by C
7. because they causing something that can be solved simple, become complex because too many combinations dan variations can be used
8. because, if the user allowed to create a overloading operator and do not do it sensibly, it may cause reduced readability
Case study chapter 1
1. yes, because we need to understand first the command we use, instead using unknown words, it would made the problem much simpler
2. from wikipedia, Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Because of this, she is often considered the world's first computer programmer.
6. i believe the readability of a program is very important because it made someone else could understand what i made
7. semi colons made the program readability increased i think because it was clear where the statement would end, but those without i believe would increase the coding time
8. pros : this design made us easier to tell where is the error and simplicify the main program. cons : if we doesn't place the function in the right place or made too many, it would become confusing
9. orthogonality made the data type can be used many ways and because of this the powerful structure of data structures can be made, therefore without this, the program would become very long and confusing
12. not, because, as i know, we need to combine every aspect of a programming language, even made the function by ourself, furthermore, we would complement what missing with the other languanges trick, i would not say some is complete because can be used for many usage but because the language itself was made to be flexible
13. the first high level language i learn is C i believe that is working with a compiler, using microsoft visual studio
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